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Generate images from configuration

You specify what you want your image to look like and Rejig will do the rest.

Deterministic in nature, Rejig is perfect for build pipelines, on-demand processing and hacking projects.

Image editing workflows - simple YAML or JSON files - are easy to share and extend.

# workflow.yaml
name: homepage-hero
  width: 300
  height: 300
  - content:
      type: solid
        r: 255
        g: 122
        b: 255
        a: 1
    opacity: 30
  - content:
      type: image
      location: ./public/images/knots.jpeg
    placement: cover
$ npm install -g rejig-cli
$ rejig process workflow.yaml
homepage-hero.pngPreview of image generated by processing workflow.yaml

Photo by Didssph, using workflow rejig/homepage-banner

Get started by installing the Rejig CLI

Find more details on the Get Started page

Prerequisite: Install Homebrew or install Node.js separately

$ brew install nodejs
$ npm install -g rejig-cli
$ rejig process ./my-first-workflow.yaml

Generate images

Use the Rejig CLI to generate your image using layers, blending modes, masks and more. Use the `--watch` flag for instant feedback.

$ rejig process --watch circle-avatar-manifest.yaml
# circle-avatar-manifest
name: circle-avatar
  width: 512
  height: 512
  - name: avatar
      type: image
    clippingMask: true
    placement: cover
  - name: circle
      type: image
      location: ./public/images/circle.png
circle-avatar.pngPreview of image generated by processing workflow.yaml

Share workflows

Push your workflows to Rejig so others can use them too. You can even add them as a layer to your own workflows.

Create an account right here on Rejig and login with the Rejig CLI to get started.

$ rejig push circle-avatar-manifest.yaml circle-avatar:v1.0.0
$ rejig pull some-user/circle-avatar:v1.0.0
  - content:
      type: workflow
      workflow: some-user/circle-avatar:v1.0.0